
always LUCKY

martes, 21 de enero de 2014


Aquí os voy a hablar de una canción que aunque no sea mi preferida, tiene algo especial que me motiva a seguir adelante ya que esta relacionada con el deporte que mas me gusta.

Esta cancion se fomento en la Eurocopa de 2012 donde David Bisbal acompaño a los autores (Cali y el Dandee). Fue una exitosa canción en el momento ya que estaba acompañada con la ilusión de la gente en volver a ganar una Eurocopa seguida después del Mundial.

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Miguel ängel...I´m very glad to "read " you once again. I personally share and like the name of your "blog" NEVER GIVE UP...further,ore, it´s my motto in life and it has worked very well so far. Welcome back again, I count on you. As far as TAGGING is concerned ,you have to expand the TAGGING LIST.Include also a WELCOMING MESSAGE and the links!!! Add also the BLOGGER LIST including your classmates´blogs. Go through my comments in the different posts and improve them. Try to make comments on your classmates´blogs. And as your song suggest CHEER UP!!!

  2. Sorry "mistake"...."Ángel"...not "ängel" ...another mistake : not "further,ore" but FURTHERMORE.
